Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Easter Baskets for the Family

Giving my husband an Easter basket every year is something I really look forward to.  My mom has given my dad an Easter basket for the past 35 years – I guess that’s where I get it from!  Now that Grady is here, I am even more excited to add another basket to the dining room buffet table!  One thing I plan on doing different is using the same basket year to year.  My girlfriend, Laurie, gave me the idea.  She says, Yeah!  Just take the empty basket and leave it out like a Christmas stocking!  Why didn’t I think of that?  My mom would always buy a new basket every year.  By the time I was in high school, we had a nice collection in the garage.  So to start our new tradition, the Easter bunny will FILL the empty baskets instead of bringing us a new one every year.

I did invest in a nice Easter basket and had Grady’s name monogrammed on the liner.  This is also the basket he’ll take to all his egg hunts.  The items I put inside are things I know he’ll get some use out of at least for a little while.  He loves bedtime stories and that has become part of his nightly routine so Scott and I are always on the lookout for books we know he’ll like.  Books he can feel and things that pop out are of great interest to him right now.

The sensory eggs are perfect for when we’re playing together.  I like to have things to just talk to him about.  The colors, facial expressions and the shapes on the bottom are for simple conversation so he can develop language skills.  It’s an added bonus when you press the “yolk” inside  and it makes a tweet sound!

Easter basket / basket liner / sensory eggs / “Never Touch a Dinosaur” touch and feel book / “Peter Rabbit” finger puppet book / “My First Easter” rattle (Target dollar spot) / teething car (Target party section)

Scott’s basket is easy year to year.  He likes golf.  He likes golf shirts.  I usually just get him a golf shirt and throw in all his favorite junk food that I don’t buy/eat/allow in the house.  That’s not to say that I won’t dip my hands into it as well 🙂

Under Armour Golf Shirt

What sorts of things do you put in your family Easter baskets?