It’s that time of year when everyone in my neighborhood is running around leaving baskets of Halloween treats for one another. It’s comical, really. You’ll glance out the window and see someone making a run for it, trying not to be seen. Some years we’ve gotten huge bangs on the door, scaring the hell out of us. Sometimes you can guess who the baskets are from, other times it’s a mystery. It’s so fun and we’ve gotten a variety of baskets from year to year. One year, we got “Boo’zd” (that was B.C., before children).
I thought I would start keeping track of the baskets I make, as they change from year to year. For this basket, Dollar General and Michael’s was my go to. Rather than shove it full of candy, I loaded the basket with activities.

Paint your own figures – perfect little activity for a toddler. These were a dollar!

Stickers, stickers, stickers! There are so many things you can do with stickers. The big pack of foam stickers was 40 percent off and then some with a coupon. It’s also a good idea to snag these kinds of things while you’re out and about when they’ve gone on super sale. Then you’re not scrambling around trying to get a basket together.

Another fun toddler activity: make a monster! Also 40 percent off.

I love to get in the kitchen with Grady and it covers so many skills (not just cooking). This candy bark decorating kit was inexpensive and cute.

Kids love to decorate. I grabbed a couple of light up spiders (that suction to the window) and some spider gummies.