Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Mom’s Eye Round Roast with “Dirty” Rice

This was one of my favorite dinners growing up and now it’s one of Scott’s favorites.  When I graduated from college and bought my own home, my mom wrote it on an index card (I still have it).  I don’t make it very often for several reasons.  For one, there’s an entire stick of butter in the rice.  A heart attack waiting to happen.  Second, the roast is kind of expensive.  I bought a two and a half pound roast last week and it was a little over twelve dollars.  Yet, it’s such a delicious meal.  Easy to make as well!  All you do is assemble everything and throw it in the oven!  I usually make this meal when we have company or special guests come to dinner.  It’s also perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon.  I accompany it with a roasted vegetable but what’s the point?  With a stick of butter in the rice, you’re diet is screwed.

To make the roast:

  • eye of round roast
  • olive oil
  • garlic salt
  • onion powder
  • pepper
  • dried basil
  • dried oregano

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place roast in a shallow baking dish. Drizzle the roast with olive oil.  Sprinkle with each of the seasonings to make a nice coat.  Cook time depends on the size of the roast.  A 2.5 roast took around 2 hours to cook until light pink in the middle.

Dirty Rice

Dirty Rice


  • 1.5 cups of rice
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 can french onion soup
  • 1 can beef broth
  • 1 small can mushrooms
  • Worcestershire sauce


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Melt butter in a casserole dish.
  3. Mix all ingredients into the melted butter. Add a couple splashes of Worcestershire.
  4. Bake, covered, for about an hour.
