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Valentine (fine motor) Delivery!

I’m always looking for things for Grady to work on his fine motor skills. He’s always been pretty capable gross motor-wise. He was walking at 10.5 months, running by 12. He climbs, stomps, skips, turns in circles and runs backwards. It’s the SITTING and using his hands we need to work most on.

When I was teaching, I always loved buying these little mailboxes for my classroom. I would create word sorts for my students to use during their center time. I saw them again this year in the Target Dollar Spot and thought, “why can’t I make something for my baby to play with?” So I did just that. Super easy and no fuss.

It surprised me how difficult it was for him to get the cards in. Something so mundane to us can be so tricky for a baby. I usually have to get him started with a few and model how to hold the cards straight. Once he gets the hang of 3 or 4, he usually loses interest and walks away. I’m okay with that. This is an activity I don’t force. I’ll leave the activity out for a few days and he’ll sit for a minute and do a few more. After a few days I’ll put it away because, well, it’s lost it’s luster. I’ll bring it back out when I feel like he’s interested in it again.

Click here to get your printable cards!

Have fun and happy playing!
