Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Busy Bags

I always said Grady wouldn’t be playing on my phone and it’s one thing I’ve stuck to as a parent. But I also know I need to keep him busy when we’re out or else he’ll tear the place down. This idea is by no means revolutionary and I’ve seen different versions around the net but being the Type A person that I am, I wanted to make them in a certain way. I made these busy bags to take with us to doctor’s appointments, restaurants, when I have to run errands, or any time I know there’s going to be a wait.

To start, I found the canvas bags at Michael’s and was able to get them for pretty cheap with coupons. Then, I used my Silhouette to create iron-on labels for them.

Grady currently has a love for all planes. These are miniature planes that have been gifted to him or we’ve picked up here and there. He DOES NOT get to see these planes or play with them. They stay in the bag so that when I pull them out, he hasn’t seen them in a while and it’s considered “new.”

I made a bag for trucks because he also loves construction vehicles and has a blast with the pull-back trucks. I recently found these in the Target Dollar Spot (3 for $1). Once again, I pull these out and it’s a brand new toy.

At 21 months, we are JUST NOW starting to be able to maneuver puzzle pieces around and figure out where they go. These were just small enough to fit in the bags. I found them at the Dollar Tree and actually went back to get a few more.

I made a game bag because I knew it was something he could grow into. This little frog game isn’t something he can do on his own, but he thinks it’s hilarious when the frogs fly through the air. Keeps him entertained. It’s all that matters. Also came from the Dollar Tree.

Animals aren’t really Grady’s jam right now, but they may be eventually. I have a bag for random mammals when that time comes. This little farm set came from Michael’s.

This little art bag is probably my fav. All the supplies you need: markers, crayons, paint, stickers. I also found little bags of Model Magic from Dollar General. What restaurant doesn’t have a paper menu that a kid can destroy with all this fun stuff???

All the bags stay nestled in this plastic box, tucked away in the coat closet. I either keep a bag in my backpack for emergencies and switch them out OR I just grab one before we head out somewhere significant. They have been a life saver for sure!

Hopefully this will give you some ideas for busy bags of your own!