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Breastfeeding Basket (for new moms)

When I came home from the hospital with Drake, a mom friend had left a little bag full of treats, snacks, waters and Gatorade. It was such a cute idea as she knew I was breastfeeding and having three children herself, she knew what I would be craving. When you’re breastfeeding, you’re hungry all the time, thirsty and covered in milk. So when a friend of mine had a baby, I made her a breastfeeding basket (this was her third child and I knew she was going to be breastfeeding). It turned out to be a unique (and hopefully thoughtful) gift!

Many of the things I included are things I’ve used and love. I’ve included links to all the items below!

Snacks: you don’t need a link for those. But I got the different flavored checks in my bag and I went through them pretty quick.

Haakaa breast pump: this thing was awesome. I was able to use it when I was breastfeeding and I was leaking all over the place. I made small bottles just from letdown. Then when my milk REALLY came in, I had such a strong letdown that Drake would gag and choke. The Haakaa came in handy to release some of the milk so that it wasn’t so forceful when he nursed.

Water Bottle: Thirst. Oh the thirst. When you have a baby sucking the fluids from your body every hour and a half, you have to replenish. Plus, the more water you drink, the easier it is for your body to make milk. I was horrible about drinking enough water with my first. Knowing this, I invested in a huge steel water bottle that I carry with me everywhere. I bought this one for my sweet friend because I thought it was just so cute!

Eye Patches: I love to use eye patches for the bags under my eyes. I keep these in my fridge and throw them on first thing in the morning while I’m drinking my coffee. I put a set in the basket for my friend to try.

Nipple Cream: In the beginning this is completely necessary. Eventually, your nipples toughen up and you don’t need it. I put a couple of tubes of my favorite cream in the basket just in case.

There you have it! Cute and simple. Hopefully this gives you inspiration!
