I’m always looking for fun things to do with the boys. When summer hits, we head straight out to the berry patches. Last year, Drake was just a bitty baby and couldn’t partake. This year, he was picking and chowing down on every berry he got his hands on.

We made a trip out to Emily’s Produce in Cambridge. The people that own it and work there are very friendly and accommodating. We paid $15 to pick a flat of strawberries and were provided a wagon for the berries and the boys. They also had little sections for kids to play and treats like homemade ice cream and pies.

shoes // shorts // shirt – old Tuckernuck, similar one here

Once we get home, I wash them and make all the things. As many strawberries as we picked, we used every single one. Sometimes I leave a pile of them in a bowl and the boys pick at it. These strawberry popsicles are so delicious and easy. One cup of yogurt, one cup of chopped strawberries and one tablespoon of honey. Mix and pour into your favorite popsicle mold. We love these and have bought several sets over the years.

This strawberry cake was so moist and sweet. There was a lemon glaze that went along with it which was a perfect combination. I didn’t find it difficult nor did it take long: I threw it together while the baby was napping and he was able to have it for a snack when he woke up.

A few more of our favorites:
If there’s ever a chance that you can get out to a field and pick some fresh strawberries, I highly recommend it. The boys had so much fun and they are learning in the process.