Growing up in Florida, apple picking is something that I only read about in books. Now that I’m raising my children in Maryland, is has become a yearly tradition. We drive about an hour to Fifer Orchards and pick a 30 pound bag of apples and spend the day playing in the Field of Fun. The boys love picking and eating and climbing on daddy’s shoulders to get the ripest apples at the top of the tree. We’ve had such sweet memories of this time together.

Then comes the daunting task of trying to get rid of all those apples. We had a small gathering with some neighbors last week and I thought, let’s make caramel apple nachos!
I bought this fondue pot and love it! It’s small enough to fit on my circle tray from Target so I can do a variety of desserts. In addition, it heats your treats with just three small tea lights underneath – no electric needed. I’ve done a chocolate fondue with pound cakes, strawberries and cookies as well. I haven’t done any cheese fondue with it yet but that’s coming for sure.
Caramel Apple Nachos
- apples of choice (sliced and tossed with a little lemon juice to prevent browning)
- melting caramels (I found these pearl caramels and it was nice because I didn’t have to unwrap all those little cubes!)
- chocolate chips
- marshmallows
- chopped pecans
- sprinkles
- any other topping you like!
Step 1 – LOAD your apple slices on a plate
Step 2 – DRIZZLE/POUR the caramel on your apple slices
Step 3 – Sprinkle your toppings

I just placed all the toppings in separate bowls and had spoons and skewers for when everyone was ready to dig in. I added a few Halloween details like the skeleton hand holding the bowl and a few skulls here and there. The apple slices just went around everything. I made sure I cut a ton of apples to make the tray look nice and full.

So there you have it! Simple, easy, tasty and everyone can make it how they want. It was great for our little gathering (and I was able to get rid of some of those apples).
Enjoy! ~Ashley