Clearly I have a theme here (I love a good monogram). With my first pregnancy, I overpacked. We left the hospital with way too much stuff. Where I deliver, you can pre-register and they send you a list of things to pack. Half of the things I packed I didn’t even need. Plus, we left with way more than we came in with (another human, things we stole from the hospital, etc.) So since this is my second go round, I have a little bit more of an understanding of what I’ll need for my stint in the hospital (which let’s be real, it’s going to feel like a hotel stay). To be clear, I’m not particular with pillows and blankets. Some people are. I don’t need specific things to sleep so those things I’ll keep at home. I also don’t care for things like massagers or music. I’m there for business.

I purchased a cute overnight bag to hold all my goodies in. I’ve never had one and I often just use my husband’s carry-on suitcase for quick trips. I was able to customize this one and make it look exactly how I wanted. It was a small fortune, but I carried a human for 10 months. I’ll do what I want.

I remember being so thirsty during childbirth and I also remember the cups being so small. Constant refilling. I invested in this water bottle because it’s large and it’s stainless steel so it keeps the water cold. In addition, I know I have to drink four of these to get the amount of water I need in a day. It’s perfect to carry around because I’m going to get thirsty while breastfeeding.
handheld breast pump (catches leaking milk) // Bio-oil (for tummy stretch marks) // skincare (serum, moisturizer)

Comfy jammies are a must and they also have to be postpartum friendly. I found these floral pajamas and love the way they look. I also purchased these gray ones and they happened to be extremely soft and comfortable. Both pairs are going to be easy access to boobs and allow room for my gut after childbirth. A robe is also a must for me. With everyone coming in and out of my room checking on me and the baby, I like to be covered. This one is a bit of an investment, but I use robes often and I grew a human for 10 months so I’ll do what I want.
What I didn’t pack? Underwear. Don’t worry: the hospital provides you with your diaper, extra large maxi pad, witch hazel pads and numbing spray. That’s a post for later 🙂

A friend of mine bought me this little elephant onesie. It was just so darling that I immediately knew I’d bring him home in it. The hospital provides us with everything else during our stay: onesies for the baby, hats, swaddles, diapers, wipes, etc. I don’t have to bring much for the babe. The monogram blanket was made by another friend of mine and that’s going with us too.
My going home outfit is very basic. Maternity workout pants, maternity sweatshirt, sneaks. Call it a day. I’m still going to have a stomach when I leave the hospital so I made sure I invested in clothes that I could transition in. This maternity sweatshirt also has side zippers for easy access to the tit.

The hospital wants you to wear nonslip slippers or socks at all times. I have these slippers and they’re my absolute favorite to wear around our house. I don’t think I’m going to take them to the hospital for fear that they’ll get nasty. My husband also reminded me that the hospital provided us with slippers last time. These will be perfect when I come home..

Other must haves:
- camera (I have a bougie one that I take special pictures with)
- cell phone charger (because we can never stay off our phones)
- laptop (I bring mine to get some work done while the babe sleeps)
- breast pump (I plan on breastfeeding but I’m not sure what’s going to happen so I bring it in case)
- breastfeeding essentials (nipple cream, nursing pads, nursing bras)
- snacks (because you’re not allowed to eat until the kid comes out and then you’re a hangry B)
So there you have it! It’s not much but like I said, I didn’t need everything on the list before. Not only that, it’s literally just relaxing in a bed for a few days. You don’t need much for that.
If you’re a first time mom, maybe this will give you some ideas as to what to pack in your bag!