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Grady’s Favorite Books

Reading is huge in our house. We make time every night to sit and reading SOMETHING to Grady. Yes, there are times when we’re getting to bed late, have something going on, a babysitter, etc. and we can’t squeeze a story in. But for the most part, we read. I started reading to Grady when he was eight weeks old. Now that he’s 18 months, he’ll pick up a book on his own, flip the pages, look at the pictures and mumble to himself. These are the beginning stages of reading. I would know. I’m a teacher. Reading starts when you can use the pictures to tell a story. You don’t have to necessarily read the actual words. Many times, I had Kindergarten students that would be able to tell a beautiful story just by using the pictures.

In addition, reading to your baby/child helps develop language skills, it helps children grow accustomed to listening and focusing, helps improve memory and develops cognitive thinking skills. There are many times when I have used gestures or sounds while reading and then I see Grady mimic it while reading the book on his own. He’s memorized it while reading!

Since Grady is such an active 18 month old boy, I need books that are going to:

  • be short enough to keep his short attention
  • be tough to withstand constant bashing
  • be hands on and interactive

I’ve compiled a list of a variety of books that have seemed to meet all our needs. Some we have to read more than others…

The “Never Touch a” Series are great. Each page has a different rubbery texture. These were especially good when he was a baby-baby. It really got him into touching the pages of the book.

Rod Campbell makes great short stories. His books were the first few that I read aloud to Grady. Dear Zoo is still a favorite and I often see him pick it up and “read” it on his own.

Baby Touch and Feel are quick and easy reads. They’re also great for vocabulary because they’re usually just a picture with the word. They don’t tell a story, the pictures are just labeled. Which is great because labeling is one of the beginning stages of writing…at least it was when I taught Kinder forever ago…

Karen Katz makes great lift the flap books. I thought maybe Grady would end up ripping the flaps while reading independently but he actually puts the flap back before he turns the page.

Babies Love books are small, short and sweet. They’re also stiff and sturdy. I also usually find them pretty cheap at Target.

Spot books are books I grew up reading and bought a few for G although he didn’t care to read them. When I go to grab one to read he usually pushes it away. I can take a hint. Maybe your child will like them.

I LOVE seasonal books to switch out and Little Blue Truck always has cute holiday books. The Christmas version lights up at the end!

The Karen Katz books I mentioned earlier always has seasonal life the flap books. I always grab them when I see them at Target.

Bright Baby makes darling touch and feel books. I especially like the ones with the actual photos so Grady can get early exposure to real world objects he doesn’t get to see all the time.

One thing I started doing was taking our seasonal books and placing them in a book rack in the playroom. Every time I place them in a new location, all the sudden they become new again. I like having them displayed so Grady can see what he’s grabbing for. Once I see he’s getting bored with the selection, I’ll take them back up to the bookshelf in his room and replace the rack with a new set.

I’m always on the lookout for good books. Some places I scour are:

  • Target clearance section
  • eBay
  • Amazon
  • Library (many times they have a cart with free books)

Hopefully this will give you some ideas on good reads for your baby or toddler!