Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Ashley and I’m the author (and baker!) behind CrabCakes and Crew Cuts. I’m originally from a small town in south Florida where I grew up on a farm. I take great pride in being a southerner and appreciate every bit of my heritage. I come from a long line of hard working farm men and the women are what made the home. I’m pretty sure that’s where I get it from. I love everything about being a homemaker. Cooking huge meals and cleaning for my family comes naturally.

It all started with the cakes and snacks. I joined a mom’s club when my oldest, Grady was a baby. Throughout the years we would go on “adventure days” where we would load up and take the kids somewhere fun. I would always pack a fun snack for the kids. It was always a treat that I could convert into something fun. The kids LOVED it! I loved it too. Being a former teacher, seeing the joy on the children’s faces when I handed them a snowman made out of donuts just made my day. Once Grady started school, the fun snacks continued!

Then I started making cakes. We would go on an adventure and I would make a cake to commemorate the day. Grady would get such a kick out of it! I loved the baking! The only problem was that I had all this cake leftover and it would often go wasted. I noticed that Grady never asked for another slice of cake after he’d had one.

One day, we were out and about somewhere running errands. Grady saw some decorated sugar cookies and asked if I would buy him one. I looked at him and said, “Now why would mommy buy that for you when I can make it at home? Plus, they’re probably stale!” Sure enough, when we got home, Grady asked for his decorated cookie. I made a batch of school supplies. They looked terrible and it took forever. Plus, there was such a mess in my kitchen. BUT, I was able to bag them up and deliver them to friends to get them out of my house!

Grady asked for more cookies. The second time around, there was less mess and they looked better than the first batch. I bagged them up and sent them down the road to friends and neighbors. It wasn’t long before friends started asking me to make them decorated cookies for parties and special occasions. That is how it all started!