First and foremost, I’m not suggesting anyone travel or take vacation or go to Disney in the time of Covid. Everyone should do what they…
I LOVE sweets and treats. Once a week, I allow myself to indulge. I found this champagne cheese the other day in the store and…
Can we talk about all the cuteness of Valentine’s Day??? I just love all the hearts and the pinks and reds. I love the special…
Oh how I LOVE making Valentine cards for Grady. It’s just so much fun to put my own personal twist on one of Grady’s interests.…
We love play dough around here. We love the way it feels and how it calms our nerves. We love how it works the muscles…
I would have loved to have people surrounded at this table for Christmas but having my little family there was enough. Even though there was…
Before I get into my story let me backtrack: After graduating college, I ended up moving back home. I had just broken up with my…