Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Five Things I’ve Learned in Five Years of Marriage

I’ve only been married for a hot minute but I’ve learned a few things along the way. I’m definitely one of those girls that likes…

Dreaming of Baby #2

I debated posting this because it’s just so personal. But then I thought maybe in sharing, I could offer some comfort to someone else going…

Grady’s Favorite Books

Reading is huge in our house. We make time every night to sit and reading SOMETHING to Grady. Yes, there are times when we’re getting…

Valentine Breakfast

I wanted to start a little tradition where I make a special breakfast for my family for Valentine’s Day. I can just picture my (hopefully)…

February Sensory Bin

When I taught Kinder some 15 years ago, sensory bins were all the rage. They are perfect for hands on learning and for some children,…

Baby is Sick! (what do I do?)

We are knee deep in sick season and Grady has had just about everything you could possibly think of. This is actually the first year…

Valentine (fine motor) Delivery!

I’m always looking for things for Grady to work on his fine motor skills. He’s always been pretty capable gross motor-wise. He was walking at…