Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Christmas Pajama Party

I got a wild hair at (six months pregnant) to throw a pajama party for some of Grady’s toddler friends. The party would be simple:…

Toddler Activities for Travel

Traveling with a toddler is tough. I’ve done it quite a few times – alone. When Grady was a baby, it wasn’t so hard because…

Boo Breakfast

I used to entertain quite a bit. My entertaining would always include fine china, crystal and wine. One thing it didn’t include was children. Things…

Crib to Bed Transition

Grady is only two, but it was time. It was time we moved him from his crib and into the big boy bed. This had…

The Pumpkin Patch (& Our Favorite Pumpkin Treats)

Right around mid-September, Councell Farms opens their pumpkin patch. It’s always still a little warm in September, but the kids have a blast, nonetheless. There…

7 Things I Learned Never to Say to a Woman about …

Now before I go pointing a finger at ANYONE else, this post is about ME. I am JUST as guilty for saying the following things…

Englewood Beach, Florida

Every year, my family loads up and heads to the beach. Sometimes it’s Marco Island, sometimes Sanibel, sometimes it’s the Keys. They all live in…