Custom Cookies for Every Occasion

Grady’s Favorite Books

Reading is huge in our house. We make time every night to sit and reading SOMETHING to Grady. Yes, there are times when we’re getting…

Baby is Sick! (what do I do?)

We are knee deep in sick season and Grady has had just about everything you could possibly think of. This is actually the first year…

Valentine (fine motor) Delivery!

I’m always looking for things for Grady to work on his fine motor skills. He’s always been pretty capable gross motor-wise. He was walking at…

Grady’s Gray and White Nursery

I really didn’t know what kind of nursery I wanted for Grady. I used Pinterest and scrolled through tons of pictures. I don’t care for…

Traveling with a Baby

The holidays are officially here and that means, for some, travel.  Grady and I have done our fair share of traveling, with his first flight…

The Truth About Baby #2

So when are you going to have another baby? What is it about having one baby, everyone has to ask you when you’re going to…

Ten Months with Grady

I find that the older Grady gets, the less time I have to myself.  I have a forever list of blog posts that I just…